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Weng Weiqi


Name: Weng Weiqi

Gender: Male

Title: Associate Professor

Research Direction: Environment Design

Educational Background: Master’s Degree; Art and Design; Wuhan University of Technology


Research Project:

Study on Strategies of Block Landscape Rebuild from the Perspective of Cultural Inheritance——Taking Guangzhou Historic and Cultural Block as an Example (as a Host)

Study on Environmental Art Design under the Architectural Formal Language of South of the Five Ridges——Taking the Study of Upgrade of City Image Design of Guangzhou as an Example (as a Participant)

Study and Practice of Guangzhou Landscape Design Based on Cantonese Cultural Inheritance (as a Participant)

Optimization Design Strategy of Compact Housing Based on Present Dwelling State and Requirements of Guangzhou (as a Participant)

Study on Strategies of Micro Reconstruction of Villages in the City from the Perspective of Cultural Inheritance (as a Participant)


Major Thesis:

Study on Artistic Expression of Cantonese Culture in the Design of Urban Block Landscape

Study on Application of Regional Cantonese Cultural Characteristics in Residence Interior Design

Discussion on Innovative Applications of Regional Culture in Sketch Design of Urban Landscape from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetic


Social Service and Part-time Academic Job:

Comprehensive Bids Evaluating Expert of Guangdong

Member of Institute of Interior Design-ASC (Architectural Society of China)

Member of Guangzhou Public Artist Association

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